Friday, April 6, 2007

Time For More Oodagoodies!

It's that time again! I wanted to make something as I did for the last set of Oodagoodies, but I ran out of time, so I hope these are suitable replacements! :) I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you who visit my blog on a regular basis. I've had such fun so far and have really enjoyed meeting a lot of you! It's just amazing to me how many of you visit daily. When my husband kept urging me to start a blog, I kept thinking/saying "why would anyone want to visit a blog by ME?" Well, THANK YOU for proving me wrong and him right! :)

So, for a chance to win these Oodagoodies, leave me a comment answering the following question: What is your favorite type of card. . .heavily embellished, or clean and simple?

For me, I have to say that I LOVE other people's cards that are heavily embellished. I find them amazing, but my brain doesn't work like that, so I usually create clean and simple cards with a few embellishments. I REALLY love very simple cards when I see them (with NO embellishments), but I often feel that I "haven't done enough" if I make them. Weird, huh?

This package contains:

  • 1 Studio K Mini book kit by K&Company
  • 1 Travel Tag book kit by K&Company
  • 1 Rhonna Farrer clear stamp
  • 1 Studio G clear stamp set
  • 18 assorted Primas
  • 1 alterable box

Leave your comment by Tuesday, April 10 at 10am EST, and I'll draw a random number to choose the winner! Good luck and thanks for playing along!


Anonymous said...

Hi Charmaine! Your work is adorable. I have to say when I make my cards I usually embelish them quite a bit. I am a bit of a ribbonholic so my cards usually have a piece or two of ribbon on them somewhere. Congrats on your blog and thanks for sharing!

Jami Speidel said...

Oh my! You are so generous! I would have to say that I am like you. I love heavily embellished cards, but I can never get them to come together when I try to make one! So, I usually end up doing clean and simple designs.

Unknown said...

I realy like the many layers with texture and depth, with simple embellishments. I'm not good at that, I'm more the simple embellisment and ribbon kinda gal. It's amazing to me to see so many different styles. I love creativity! It's never ending. Happy Easter to you and your family!

All the Best
Tara Macfarlane (

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what fabulous goodies!! You are being just too generous! My favorite card is heavily embellished, but can I do those?? OH heck no...clean and simple - straight and narrow is what I always do.

Anonymous said...

I like heavily embellished myself, as long as it isn't SO busy that I have to look at it 10 times to see all that is going on. I personally can only make clean, simple ones.

Liz said...

I love your cards, and such great ideas. I like simple cards, some with just a little ribbon or a few little things.

Mrs. Nancy G said...

Yeah, I love the heavily embellished too but mine don't quite get it. I will say your cards are so very beautiful. Thank you for keeping your blog fresh and fun.
Nancy Grant

ronee said...

Congrats on being wrong! Who would have thought that being wrong would be SO awesome. My blog is in its baby stages..SO one day..hopefully I can be you! As for my answer to your question. I love heavily embellished card made by others..because I can never seem to find the balance. Sometimes I feel like I have gone too far..when other times..I just feel the need to balance. So I get so caught up in the card. Also, lately I have been mass producing cards. In Feb and Mar I made birth annoucements, then birthday invites, thank you cards, Easter cards, swaps, and then baby shower invites. So I have had to be create, but simple. Anyway..I love your blog..I visit you almost daily!
Have a great day!!!

lilstamper said...

I really like embellished cards but only if they add a "pop" - don't like embellishments just for the sake of embellishments. I am a simple gal at heart :-) Thanks for the goodies - love those flowers! Alex

Michele Kovack said...

I like some embellishements, not too many or the card gets overwhelmed! Ribbon is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say somewhere in the middle. My style is "simply elegant", which is often finished off with a "little something". I love brads, buttons and ribbon.

Anonymous said...

Your husband was right - I am really enjoying your blog!! I'm with you - love the embellishments - can't seem to get them to work on my own stuff!! I do love the clean and simple as well - nice and classy! Great oodagoodies!! Love your blog name by the way!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely clean and simple, maybe a few brads or eyelets...I love your designs...very inspiring!

Allison Rankin said...

n.I love a clean and simple card but I never seem to be able to do it. I either keep thinking about what to add or, more commonly, I am covering up a whoops! (hee hee)! I would love to make a Scoopy or a JulieHRR card but it is the rare day when that happens (oh, Tracy Durcan too...I envy her so!). Thanks Charmaine...this is one of those rare times where you have to admit to DH that he was right!

Nancy said...

I really enjoy visiting your blog!!!

I totally love all those very simple cards... but can't make them to save my life!

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

I like embellishments... so I'd have to say I like embellished cards... maybe not "heavily" embellished, but I always feel like my cards need a little something to finish them. However, I do really admire people who can pull off the look of simple & clean card designs. I am just not one of them.


Leah said...

I like pretty simple cards with just one or two embellishments most of the time... sometimes too many embellishments makes it too busy

Anonymous said...

Gosh! I'm not sure I can choose between the two. I LOVE them both. My style seems to be sort of in between, so I adore both ends of the creative spectrum. I think if I MUST choose, I'll choose simple because it's easier for me to adapt simple ideas into something of my own. Thanks for sharing. I love your blog and am grateful for the time you take to share your creativity.

Unknown said...

Charmaine, you are such a lovely person and how generous of you to offer these gorgeous goodies! I love ribbon and brads--can't live without them. It's been wonderful to "talk" to you! Continued success with your blog and stamping!

Adelina said...

oh that's easy! Simple cards all the way. I'm not good at the heavily embellished stuff, so I'm more drawn to simple stuff.

Scott Franson Photography said...

Wonderful blog! I like simple but with some embellishment.
Claudia F.

Donna Baker said...

I like somewhere in between, like you; I tend to do at least 2 embellishments like ribbon and brads mostly since they're my favorite. But I have a hard time doing heavily embellished. I do like a clean & simple occasionally! Fun blog candy! Thanks for the opportunity - I enjoy your blog, it's on my daily list of readers in google so I can be organized!!

ebshelt said...

I am definitely a fan of the clean and simple cards. I get so excited when I can make a card quickly with few supplies and it still looks elegant and adorable. No layer cards (especially using Doodle This) are my favorite right now!

Unknown said...

Great group of goodies Charmaine!! I do love your site and I like you love seeing cards that are well put together with lots of layers and "stuff" but my brain is more simple than that so my cards tend to be more of the (I hope) "clean and simple but charming" type ?! Thanks for the contest!

Lilian said...

i tend to gravitate toward crisp and simple designs... but i do love embellisments!

Julie said...

Embellished for me. I like simple also, but they are harder for me to create.

Unknown said...

I would have to day that i love the cards that are full of embelishments- ribbon, flowers, brads and rub ons. Have a great day

Anonymous said...

My favorite type of card is the one send to me by a friend! Can I tell you: SHUT UP! I just go my mail. I almost fell on my butt, the jaw was cracked when it fell on my table. are amazing!
Okay...really, I like both cards. I love simple cards ala Julie Ebersole, but I also love embellished cards.

Jill said...

Wow! What fabulous "Oodagoodies." To answer your question: Both! But I guess if I had to choose I would probably go for clean and simple designs (although I have seen some spectacular cards in the heavily embellished realm). I think I usually pull off the clean simple designs a little bit better than when I try to do too much.

Cheryl KVD said...

I like clean and simple cards. I love simple embellishments too.
Cheryl KVD

Heather S. said...

I love the look of embellishments, but I don't own a ton of embellishments so my cards ten to be simple cards, but I still like them.

Heather Stevens

Anonymous said...

I just have to say I love your "simple" designs - your work is gorgeous! (don't tell anyone but this just might be one of my favorite blogs)

Kristine said...

Well, it's a good thing you ask us to tell who's cards we most admire because there's sooo many out there that I drool over everyday!! I am more drawn to the heavily embellised cards. However, when I see a really cute simple white card with colors on it, it's awesome! I don't DO simple very well.

Anonymous said...

I love the goodie package. My style is fairly simple, but I like to add a little ribbon and flower here and there...Janine R

Lesa said...

You do such awesome work. I have you in my google reader so whenever you have a new post I know about it. I tend to like heavily embellished cards right now, but I love looking at them all and sometimes simple is all you need.

Melissa said...

Woo-hoo! I have to say that I prefer more simple layouts and while I enjoy looking at ones that are heavily embellished, I just can't seem to find my groove with them. I guess it goes back to being true to your style! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jackie said...

OMG - those Primas are to die for! I can't find those with the polka dots anywhere around here or online. I like more simple, clean cards with just a few embellishments myself.

Cat said...

I really love both types of cards, but my FAVORITE would have to be clean and simple!

Anonymous said...

I like embellishments in moderation, but I like you tend to keep my own cards simple. Great goodies!

Anonymous said...

WOw what a neat goodies! I am like you , love the heavy embellished, but I find myself using very few embellishments myslef!

Anonymous said...

I like the many layers look without too many embellishments. I myself do simple cards with little embellishments (I can't remember all the "junk" I have).

Susan said...

clean and simple for me. I like the multi-laying some of the gals are so good at (unlike me).

Anonymous said...

I love the look of clean and simple. Love anything with fun ribbon on it. Heavily embellished is not something I have mastered, so most of what I make is clean and simple.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you..I love the heavily embellished cards (especially the collage type). However, I think very symmetrcally therefore, MY cards are pretty simple and symmetrical! LOL

Cafe Ink said...

I love heavily embellished. I just like the busy-ness of them. I also like cards that are aged or look old fashioned.

Charmaine G

Anonymous said...

I love the heavily embellished looking at them that is. My new favorites are the one layer or no layer cards with ribbon, stickles and sponging, even a little dry embossing.

Katie Skiff said...

HI there...I like clean and simple. That's my motto!!

Anonymous said...

I vary, sometimes, especially after I've been on SCS, I get great ideas for using lots of embellies. But sometimes I am in a the mood for a clean look. Kinda depends on my mood, and my level of creativity!!

Heather said...

I prefer simple cards with one embellishment -- usually ribbon. I just can't seem to put more than one together without it looking overdone. I like other people's work, but I usually make clean, simple cards.

Anonymous said...

I do love heavily embellished mainly because I can't do it! I am really bad at combining elements so I stick to the simple ones! Fun blog!

Anonymous said...

Love the blog!

I make simple, clean cards, usually with ribbon because 1-I have a hard time putting multiple elements together so that it does not look overdone and 2- my workspace is extremely limited and I do not like to get out too many things at once.

Heather (hjclemlap on SCS)

Lynn Brown said...

Wow, I love the Oodagoodies! I really like heavily embellished, but I just can't pull that off on my own cards.

Pegg S said...

I love the heavily embellished card! It just looks so yummy all layered with texture and colors. I am not very good at it -- I have a hard to trying to "match" everything. I have to learn to think outside the box and just play more! I think it takes practice!!!

Fun Candy!!

Anonymous said...

What great responses...I can relate to almost all of them. I love the look of lots of embellishment but like many others can never seem to make it work. Lots of paper layers and maybe a ribbon seem to be my style. So is that embellished or simple?

Erica said...

wow, love your many layers, they are awesome, those prima flowers are to die for I have never seen the ikes of them before:) TFS the awesome candy

Erica T

Jennifer said...

I love your site, first of all. I am looking for new stuff everyday! What wonderful candy you are offering up for us! As for the type of card that I like, I love detailed and simple cards. I love ribbon and embellishments! If I had to choose though I would choose simple because my 3 year old and my 1 year old don't really let me do the hard ones very often. They get very impatient with me, but anyhow thanks for offering such great blog candy!

Jackie said...

I love both kinds of cards, but I think it depends on the designer. Some people make lovely embellished cards, whereas some people make such wonderful clean and simple cards. So I think it depends on the designer.

dawnmercedes said...

I like mine clean and simple...but with some embellishments....

some cards seem over the top for my tastes!

Anonymous said...

Hello Charmaine! I just came across your blog and really love your work! I like cards that have some embellishments to them, such as ribbons, Primas, brads. I especially like cards that have the paper piercing with faux stitching. That is really great blog candy ... very generous of you! I hope you pick meeeee!

Jan Scholl said...

heavily embellished. and stickled too (nyah to my daughter who hates stickles) Ribbon, metal, inked up and too thick are my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I love your blog and look at it everyday. I get great ideas from your blog :) Thanks for everything, and the blog candy :)


skyviewstamper said...

I love your work!! It's beautiful, as always. I always start out with clean and simple - but never looks like enough so I keep adding more!! I'm sooooo glad your husband made you start your blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

I truly love embellishments but find that I horde them and hate to use them! I think that there is a time for both very embellished and a time for simple. Both are beautiful and I try to do what would be best for the person I am making it for. Great Blog. I enjoy reading it daily.

Mary Jo

doverdi said...

I would have to say that I like the heavily embellished cards but then again it depends on who I am making the card for. If it is for the men in the family, I go easy on the embellishments. When I am doing cards for my mom, sister, nieces and my friends I like to add all the bling!

L8ybug2 said...

I love your blog. Although I don't always leave a comment, I visit every day. I prefer clean and neat.

Anonymous said...

I usually like very embellished cards, but can do a lighter embellished card if I have to. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

clean and simple is more my style, but I do love brads and ribbons to finish the card off. I do love your cards and the inspiration they provide. I'm glad you started your blog too!!!

Lorrie said...

Hey Charmaine! I love your blog! and I love all the wonderful cards you create! I love embelishments, but not too many. I like layers and texture, but too much seems to get a little too gaudy. I try to make more simple cards, especially for workshops, but if the card is for a birthday, I tend to create more elaborate. Congratulations on your blog and GREAT BLOG CANDY! Lorrie

Anonymous said...

Hi. I have to agree with you that I love to look at the embellished cards taht peopel make but I have trouble making them myself. I am a pretty simple card maker/scrapper. I love the flowers you have in your candy. I keep meaning to buy some but I don't do it because I do not have a project in mind for them! I KNOW I would think of something though. :)

Anonymous said...

Love your work! My favorite kind of card is somewhere in between heavily embellished & simple. I wish I could know when I've hit that happy medium! : ) However, I AM getting better. Mostly I still prefer very simply decorated. I've got to learn to use those Primas - can't hoard them forever!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I visit your blog everyday - who wanted want to see what beautiful cards you create. I like a clean and simple card. I do like to add ribbon on my cards. Have a great day and thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I too do the clean and simple. But I enjoy looking at the embellished cards that othes make.

Anonymous said...

I personally like clean & simple cards but sometimes I see an overembellished card & it is absolutely stunning. Great blog candy...your awesome!

Melissa said...

Wow, those goodies look wonderful!! For myself, I like clean and simple cards. But I've seen some heavily embellished cards done by others that are truly beautiful! I don't have the knack for that so it's clean and simple for me. Thanks for your insprirations!!

Anonymous said...

Hi charmaine. I love your newsletter that comes to my email. As far as heavily embellished versus simple, I like embellishments, especially when the colors are coordiated together with the card stock and ink. They are eye catching and fun. Thanks for letting me share.

Melissa said...

I love your blog and more importantly your cards. I look forward to it everymorning.

Anne Marie said...

I love your blog and your simple updates of life! I like to look at heavy embellishments but I don't make them myself. I am clean and simple with not too many layers. However dry embossing and cuttlebug folders are allowing my embellishment with simplicity and I like that. Thanks for your generosity!

Dale Anne Potter said...

I have to say I LOVE both - clean & simple and heavily layered.
It all depends on the day and who its for!
GREAT question and LOVE your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

I definately have appreciation for both the simple and the heavily embellished cards. My personal preference is a really well designed, less crowded card.
Congrats on your blog being so successful for you. I know I try to stop in every day.

Linda Yamakido said...

I think I am somewhere in the middle, a little layering, a little glitz.. good focal point and balance without too much clutter.
Thanks for the great offer.
(you guys made me ink)

Ally B said...

I love clean and simple...that way i can always recreate it...I love heavy embleshing but I can never CASE them

Anonymous said...

I love clean and simple cards. I like embellishments, but not a lot of them.

Amber (bambi64) said...

I would have to say it depends on my mood. Some days I like them heavy embellished and other days I like the JulieHRR look of no layers and a single ribbon on the side! Sometimes those are the most striking.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your blog, Charmaine! I am JUST like you. I adore those intricate designs and am thoroughly amazed by them. But when I stamp, it's usually simple and hopefully elegant. happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Clean and simple for me, I like the others but doesn't seem to be my style. I like cutsie things and not so fancy! Thanks for sharing your talents with all of us!

Anonymous said...

I like the layered look when it comes to cards. They looks so RICH!! I do enjoy (more than I should) sticking some ribbon on them too! I am trying to branch out a bit when it comes to embelishments!

tyrymom29 said...

HI , I personally love embellished cards But at the moment I make mine clean and simple ..... Love your blog!!!Thanks for the chance !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Charmaine - as always, love your work. I'm definitely a clean and simple kind of person, but sometimes a heavily embellished work of art is wonderful to behold!!

Anonymous said...

I like both. I think that if a card it too heavily embellished though, it can take away from it. Your eyes just go crazy trying to be drawn to too many objects. Love your blog! Beautiful blog candy, thanks so much for sharing it with all of us!

Lisa C. said...

My favorite type of card is clean and simple, I think lots of embellishments make my mind go too

Anonymous said...

Hi Charmaine! Love your blog and your work. You are incredibly creative and inspire me to run up to my craft room and create! I wish you and yours a wonderful Easter! Thanks so much for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I tend to favor the more simple cards... they just look so easy and quick to do. With two little boys around the house I don't have much time to stamp so the easier and quicker the project is, the better. I love your blog and what great blog candy! ~Crystal M.

Anonymous said...

I use to love a card with lots of embellishments and layers, but now I like more the clean and simple cards, flat, with a stamp, ribbon and paper. Same way with my scrapbook pages. I went from very lumpy to flat pages. Thanks for the chance to win such a awesome gift.

Anonymous said...

Just today I found your BLOG - great inspiration. I especially like your blog header! I have a question, who makes the ladybug stamp you used in your first Oodagoodies post? Happy Easter to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am always amazed to find new blog sites and this one is a treasure to find!
Card styles for me do depend on the amount of time I have to spend on them, but I would probably be more apt to more heavily embellish my cards if I didn't have so many choices to make from my hoard of goodies.


Kristina H said...

I would have to say I tend to make clean and simple cards. Mainly because I can't find half my stuff so I feel limited and then I feel like I put too much on. I like to have a good balance of covered and open space if that makes any sense. I am trying to use more embellishments because I have a TON! If I spent as much time as I do money I'd have hundreds of cards done!

Linda Carson said...

This candy looks so yummy! I like clean cards but not just real, real simple ones. Everyone needs a little fu-fu in their lives!

Anonymous said...

Wow great blog candy! and I really like your hair cut lol.

I like clean and simple as they can wow you just as much as other cards. I relaly like cards that look 3D as well :)

Anonymous said...

I love the look of heavily embellished cards, but I tend to stray towards the clean and simple cards myself. I do love ribbon though! Thanks for sharing all your creations with us.

Anonymous said...

You have a great blog....I am just starting to work on mine.
I love crisp and clean cards with a few embellishments

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for sharing. I love to embellish cards, but sometimes you can go overboard. Sometimes simple is better, maybe a cool technique, some ribbon, cool patterned paper. Your artwork is lovely, I really enjoy visiting your blog

Angie Z ~ Duckwaddlequack said...

Well seems like I mostly gravitate towards the heavily embellished cards! :)

Diane said...

What great candy Charmaine!!!
I love embellishments,I find it adds so much to a card,not too much but gotta have some. TFS

Anonymous said...

beate just sent me over to peek at your blog! WOW it is great! Thanks for sharing! I am going to spend some time wandering through it after Easter...I have you tagged!

I am like you...I love heavily layered, rich coloured cards but for the most part I make clean lines with just one or two embelishments. I love to CASE those type of cards but have a hard time coming up with them on my own.
Great blog candy !

Anonymous said...

WOW...yummy blog candy, thanks for giving all of us a chance to win:) My style is clean & simple. I like lots of interest, layer & embellishments, but only if the card still looks clean. That is why your blog is one of my favorites. You have a clean & fun style that is not at all gawdy.
Linda SS

happy4u said...

Happy Easter!
I am new to your blog and have really enjoyed viewing your art. I like to make embellished cards the best but have a true appreciation for the simple cards.

Julee (Vervegirl) said...

Oh what wonderful oodagoodies! I start every card thinking it's going to be simple and clean... and then I just keep adding and adding. So most of my cards usually end up heavily embellished. I love sparkle and ribbon and just can't seem to make a card without one or both! Although I rarely achieve it, my favorite card style is simply elegant. More than one layer - but still crisp, clean and beautiful.

Dawn said...

I love layered but not too busy. I also love ribbon on cards. take care, dawn g

Anonymous said...

Love your work! I love cards that have layers - pop up the image, add ribbon and a few different patterns of paper. Heavily embellished (if the colors go well together) look absolutely beautiful. I have to case if I do this, or my cards end up being a bit more plain!

Barbara P said...

Hi Charmaine,
This is my first time at your blog, I saw it on Beate's blog, so I thought I'd check it out. I like cards with layers and embellishments, but me too, I'm not the greatest so I end up doing more simple cards with a little something added. Thanks for the great inspiration.

CJ said...


Your work is GORGEOUS. I came on a ling from another blog and was not disappointed. Your work inspires me! Please keep up the great work... I'll be visiting often!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Your blog is great and you're a sweetie to offer Oodagoodies!
How can you pick between the two types? Some stamps are made for a clean, simple look. But I personally tend to keep adding more to get some texture and depth.

Tammy B said...

i'm drawn to the clean and simple always seems just right when someone else creates it but plain when i do it!
happy easter!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Charmaine,
Thanks so much for sharing! I love your ideas. I am more of a "clean and simple" person, but I love the heavily embellished.I usually donot have the time to do a lot of embellishments.
Thanks again!
Alma - Shreveport, LA

amber said...

I have to do clean and simple. I do not have the eye to heavy embellish cards yet. I keep working on it though. I love to see cards from others that are made both ways.

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog and love what I see! As for me, I'm a clean and simple stamper.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Just found your blog today. Very nice. My favorite kind of card is clean and simple, although I like to look at the heavily...or not...embellished creations of other people.

Cheryl said...

I like cards that are clean and simple with layers. I am also growing very fond of the cuttlebugged embossed look. Thanks for the candy.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! SO glad your hubby suggested it. I've cased many ideas from you :}
I love clean and simple.

I wear jeans and a button down if I can get away with it. Awesome oodies of goodies as well. Kimmiek

StampinLDRN said...

I love your cards. When I make cards, I am usually the simple and clean design kinda girl. I don't feel like I have the eye for lots of embellishments. I do love all the cards done with embellishments.

Heather said...

I definitely like clean and simple- it is how I have decorated my home and my personal style as well. I definitely admire heavy embellishment but definitely prefer clean and simple.

InspiredByInk said...

Hi Charmaine,
I have to say I love the heavily embellished ones, but tend to be middle of the road w/embellishments for myself. Not on purpose mind you but just because I don't think I'm that darn good lol.

Thanks for the opportunity!


Marg said...

I'm glad to hear someone else say that they love the heavily embellished cards but not actually be able to do them!! I feel that way all the time!

Rose Reynolds said...

I'm so glad your husband was right this time. Just don't let him make it a habit! Just kidding. Anyway really like your cards and things. I happen to have 2 unfinished pocket cards on my desk and your card gave me the needed ideas to finish them. Thanks for sharing your talent and your blog candy.

Anonymous said...

Which stamp company is your all time favorite?"
I have some but if I had to pick one I guess it would be Hero

Sheila said...

Your work is just beautiful--thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas. I love the heavy embellished cards too--they just seem to stand out. I love trying new techniques with my cards and you are a great inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the goodies! I would have to say that clean and simple gets my vote. I like the idea of more, but it usually ends up looking like more rather than beautiful.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Anonymous said...

I am with you. I love to look at all the fun stuff on others cards but I do better when creating with clean and simple! Thanks for the inspiration!! Sue

Anonymous said...

I love heavily embellished - probably because I have such a difficult time coordinating everything to make it work for me! There must be a trick to it, or a 'recipe' but I think it comes down to talent.... My own cards are simple - people still like them but I wish I could pull off a complicated card. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

Anonymous said...

You are such a ladybug. I just love your blog. I keep signing up but it keeps rejecting me. :o(
I think that embellies are fantastic. But I am a clean line card maker from you know where.

Cheryl said...

I've just found your blog and it will become one of my MUST reads! I love embossed cards but agree with you that my mind doesn't work that way. I usually make simple cards and am really impressed with myself when I go outside my box.

Keep up the wonderful work and I'll be checking back for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Charmaine, I love your work. It is beautiful, whimsical and colorful. I love to add embellishments to my cards..sometimes I have to subdue myself!! I do make clean and simple cards also. It all depends on the type of card and to whom the card is going. I am new to blog reading but I am glad I have started. I have Michelle with Stamper's Dream to thank for that.

Blue Ridge Native said...

I love to view the heavily embellished cards. They inspire me to create,learn about new products, and think outside the box. As a mother of three children, ages 6 and under, I rarely have much uninterrupted time to truly get my creative juices completely flowing! :) I just found your site and am really enjoying it!

donna g said...

I like clean and simple with maybe a little bit of Fru-Fru - not so much that you get away from the meaning or the reason you are sending the card!

Jana Weaver said...

I tend to prefer clean and simple, with just one or 2 embellishments - usually ribbon because it's quick and easy!

Love your blog...visit every day!


Anonymous said...

I would have to say I'm more of a clean and simple designer, but I do have to have at least some ribbon! Good luck on your blog and thanks for the stuff!

Unknown said...

I was just introduced to you by Julie Brooks. My favorite cards to make are Clean and simple (only cause I am new to stamping) However, I love "BLING" So I love anything with sparkle on it. I am sure that as I expand my creative mind I will attempt a few embelishment.

Deborizzle said...

Hi, I'm a new subscriber sent over by Michelle at Stamper's Dream. Although I like to keep it simple, I like anything with gold embossing and a strip of ribbon to accent. Thanks for sharing your beautiful cards.


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