Look at this special gift I received in the mail from Jami at
Crazy Daisy Creations! She made Isaac a rag quilt! She said it was her first one. . .and it is just gorgeous! I am so honored to have her first rag quilt! I can't imagine how much time this took. It is something we will treasure forever! Jami, you are just the sweetest. I am so touched that you took the time to make and send this. . .it's just beautiful!

The card matches the quilt perfectly and is just adorable! She not only sent something for Isaac, but she sent "mommy" those cute ladybug stickers! How cool are they? Thank you, thank you, thank you Jami! You made us feel so special!
OMGosh he looks so cute & peaceful. What a wonderful gift you received, definitely a keepsake.
Wow!! What an amazingly beautiful and sweet gift!! Look at that little pumpkin!!!!! Oh I just love his sweet face and all that hair - red? LOVE the picture Charmaine!! :)
How sweet!! He looks precious and so comfy in that blanket!
That quilt is BEAUTIFUL.
Your baby is a sweetie pie face too.
Very nice!! I love that picture! Sleeping babies are the sweetest thing in the world! :)
Geez, Charmaine you make a girl blush with all those sweet comments! I'm so happy that you love the quilt!
Oh wow, what a great gift...and Isaac is just the cutest little boy ever! That hair is gorgeous! I know you are going to have an extra special Christmas with your new addition! FUN!!! :D
OMG! I just wanna hold him, and smell him, and cuddle him-then give him back :D Thats the BEST part. The cuddles. You can have the sleepless nights for me.
That blanket is GORGEOUS!! It looks so soft and warm! I want one :D
What an amazing gift
Wonderful goodies, and what a darling Isaac is all cozy!! How sweet!!
I love those quilts! What a sweet gift!!!! Your little one is so cute.
Oh my! That quilt is gorgeous! What a lovely gift! He looks so adorable all snuggled in it!! HEHE!
How special! And those stickers are quite cool too.
What a gorgeous blanket for little Isaac. My youngest son's middle name is Isaac and I love it! He is 10 now but I can still remember him being as tiny as yours! Beautiful gift, you are very blessed!
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