Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Oodabug Alley!

I can't believe that one year ago today I started this blog. It seems like such a distant memory deciding whether or not to start a blog. I am so VERY glad I did because I appreciate and am so thankful for all of you! You have no idea how much your daily visits and comments make me smile. I have made so many new friends all because of Oodabug Alley. . .crazy, isn't it?

In honor of Oodabug Alley's 1st Birthday, I'd like to give away some Oodagoodies! In this package you'll find:

-Autumn Leaves You Are Here Clear Stamp Set

-Stampin' Up Retired Hostess Set Weather or Not

-5 incentive stamps from SU Small Talk set

-American Crafts Uptown Green ribbon set

-All Girl Brag Book

-Heidi Swapp Ghost Alphabet

-25 sheets of 8x8 patterned paper

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by Sunday, March 2, 10am EST. I will randomly draw a name shortly after and post the winner! Please only leave one comment and make sure there is a way to contact you should you win! Thanks for celebrating this year with me!


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Nancy said...

Happy First Birthday Oodabug Alley!!!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Love, love, love your blog. Keep up the inspiring work!

Rachel V. said...

Happy Blog Birthday! And thanks for the chance at such a great birthday giveaway. :)

mathstamp said...

Happy Birthday! I cannot believe it has been a year. Apparently time flies when you are having fun.

Alhambra Club said...

Happy Birthday,so glad that you started your blog, you are a very talent woman.

Unknown said...

Happy Blog Day! Thanks for the giveaway and the inspiration!

Cheryl K

Amy said...

Feliz Cumpleanos! (Happy birthday from the Spanish teacher!) I love your blog and your creativity is unbelievable! Have a great weekend!

Michelle said...

Congrats Charmaine! Happy Birthday!

You & your blog are fabulous!

Have a great day!

Laci said...

I love your blog! Great blog-birthday giveaway!

Lori A. said...

Happy Birthday!! I am glad you decided to start a blog and share your talent!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I so enjoy my daily visits to your blog!

Monica said...

Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog! Thanks for inspiring me!

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! Keep blogging! I love your work. :-)

Cindy Keery

Anonymous said...

Happy First Blog Birthday! You have an amazing site.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your blog. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the inspiration!

Dottie K. said...

Happy First Blog Birthday to you! Always enjoy your creations. Thanks for the chance at some awesome goodies. :)

B said...

Happy blog birthday! How exciting! :) Thanks for sharing all your amazing work and thanks for the chance to win!

belinda [at] alumni [dot] cmu [dot] edu

mudmaven said...

Happy Birthday Oodabug Alley! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration. ~chris

Lorie said...

My year! I wish I would have found you way back when! Congrats and thanks for having such a great blog!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your blog! Congrats on one wonderful year!

Anonymous said...

YEH! I love your blog. It is a daily inspiration. You are awesome, Charmaine.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I would say that we both have the same birthday, but I'm slightly older than OA. I'm new to stamping and reading blogs. I found your blog and read it daily. Thank-you for all of your creativity and hard work.

Dana said...

Yea! What a great thing to celebrate! here's to another great year!
dana j

Deborah said...

Happy Blog Birthdday to the cutest bug ever! I have been so inspired by your cards and crafty projects! My birthday is soon too, I sure hope I get lucky Charmaine! Hugs, Deb

Peggy Maier said...

Your blog is one of the first I had ever read, even though I didn't comment much at first. I've been a subscriber (RSS) for a long time & wouldn't miss my daily dose of Oodabug Alley! Keep up the good work - happy anniversary!!!

Linda said...

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birth Day to YOU...Happy BIRTH day, Oodabug Allllllleeeeeeey....Happy Birthday tooooooo youuuuuuuu (and many mooooorrrrre!)

Anonymous said...

What an exciting year you have had!! From lovely, little, Lady Bugs, to adding a new "Little Bug" to your family! It has been a delight to watch your blog site blossom. You are an inspiration and an encouragement to us all! Congratulations -- and thanks bunches for sharing your ideas and life-tidbits with us.

Jessica Smith said...

Happy anniversary wow one year if only I can make it that far on my blog. Love your work tfs.

Tracy said...

Happy Blogaversary! I love your blog! Can't wait for the next year!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Wow, has it only been a year? You are so good at this! I'm so glad to get to 'know' you!

Libby Hickson said...

Congratulations Charmaine!! I love your blog - here's to another great year! :-) (and what a nice bunch of goodies!)

Sara said...

Wow, I never would have guessed that you have only been at this blog thing for a year. You are such an onspiration to me. Happy First Birthday... Enjoy!

Val said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I certainly have enjoyed visiting your blog daily. Thanks for all the inspirations that you have provided!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, I enjoy reading your blog and do so daily. Those are some great prizes. susan

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! I visit your blog every day--you create such beautiful cards. Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful goodies!

Michelle Martin

Jannette said...

Wow Happy Blog Birthday! You know time flys when your having fun. I know I am by reading your blog. Wishing you many more BB (Blog Birthday).

Jannette D.

Michelle Adams said...

Congrates on your birthday! I love this blog so much - I am here several times per day! Thanks for all of the work you put into it and for the chance to win!

Suzanne said...

Happy blog birthday Charmaine! I'm happy you started your blog - I love to visit each and every day!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday! Love your blog! Thanks for your effort! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday! I love my blog too and I know my first year will zoom by! Congrats Charmaine!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Your cards are so inspiring, I'm glad I found your blog.

Regina Cornelius said...

happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday oodabug allllleeeeeyyyy!!! happy birthday to you! great blog! thank you for the opportunity for the candy!
regina cornelius

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog - you give me inspiration. Thank you for sharing your creations!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lovely blog- so happy that I found your site! I visit daily! Congrats Charmaine!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday..I love the cards you make. Thanks for sharing

Kelly L said...

Woohoo! Happy Birthday, Oodabug Alley. Wow, Charmaine, I really thought you had been on here for more than a year (because your work is so AWESOME)! I just found you a few months ago, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. I have several things saved as faves here in my RSS feed at Google. Congrats! What terrific blog candy, too. :) Kel

Anonymous said...

Happy blogsaverary!! Thank you for sharing your talents & inspiration; I visit your blog everyday! Congrats on 1 year!
Beth Mak

Cheryl said...

Has it really been a year? I can't believe it, but I have been here since the beginning. I really enjoy seeing your creations. Your work is awesome. Thanks for this terrific blog candy and Happy Birthday!!!
Cheryl Sims

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what wonderful Oodagoodies! WOW!
Congratulations on one year of GREAT blogging, I have learned so much from you! And I've been SO inspired with your fabulous creativity! :D

Anonymous said...

Happy blogsaversary! Congrats on 1 year; I visit your blog daily. Thank you for sharing your talents & inspiration!

Beth Mak

Anonymous said...

Your blog is a great inspiration - I used to think I was the only one really mad on making cards but boy was I wrong!
Happy 1st Birthday! Here's to many more.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Charmaine!

Shelby said...

Congrats on a year! Happy Blogaversary! And thanks so much for the chance to win such amazing Oodagoodies. ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!! I love to see your projects and read your stories!! You can contact me at

Broni said...

Congratulations on your 1 year blogiversary!! It's amazing what an explosion of blogs there was a year ago this month! Thanks for the chance to win such great blog candy!!

Stacey said...

Happy FIRST Birthday Oodabug Alley!! Your work is beautiful and you're such an inspiration. Here's to another GREAT year!!

Mollie said...

Happy Birthday to you! What a fabulous time to have a birthday!

Colleen N. said...

Happy Birthday! I check your blog everyday for your cute new ideas and stories. My favorite story is how your name "Oodabug" came about. It takes me back to my childhood at my grandma's house.
Congratulations on your first year!
Colleen N.

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

Wow, what a great milestone for your "baby". :-) Time flies! I love your blog and read it every day, thanks for all the inspiration!

Paul Barber said...

Happy 1 year! I enjoy seeing your creations.

Amy said...

I love visiting your blog, and your creations are fab! Thank you for such a sweet chance to win some goodies!

sisjulie1 said...

I enjoy reading your blog everyday! I'm not sure how you find time to make those beautiful cards, but we love looking at them.

Julee (Vervegirl) said...

Happy Blogaversary, Charmaine! I'm so glad you started blogging. I love checking out your creations everyday, even though I don't always find time to comment and tell you how totally AWESOME you are!

Kelley said...

Congrats! I'm so glad you decided to venture into the blogging world. Your blog was one of the first I found while on bedrest and I've been hooked ever since! Thanks for the inspiration!

Jaime said...

Happy Birthday! :-) I have just recently found your blog and I am really enjoying it! Thanks for sharing your talent!

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday. I love reading your blog. You are very talented.Awesome candy.

Michelle T

Beth Jacobs said...

Happy blog bday!!! love your blog!!! Beth

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy visitng your blog....on a daily basis! I'm addicted! Super cute cards and you're such an inspiration to other mommies out there.....having time for family and stamping is a juggle?!!? LOL. So thanks for the chance at the Oodacandy and thanks for blogging!

Jana Weaver said...

Happy Birthday Charlie!! I'm so glad you started your blog too!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I have truly enjoy your blog and your creativity. Thank you so much for sharing a part of you life with us. Keep on stamping and inspiring!!!

shannon said...

Happy 1st Birthday!
I love your blog-it is fantastic.
Thanks for the chance to win blog candy.

Mandy said...

Happy Birthday! Love your blog for all your inspiration and hard work!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! I enjoy your very creative work. I just don't know how you get it done with a baby and little ones!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I just started looking at it recently and have gone back and read every one of your entries. Fabulous! Thanks for the chance at a great stash of goodies!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I just started reading your blog a bit ago, and I have made my way back to the beginning. I love your cards! Thanks for the chance at winning a great stash of goodies.

Stacy said...

Congrats Charmaine! Your blog is awesome and I do try to swing by everyday. You provide much inspiration. Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your one year...I really enjoy reading your blog. Great blog candy

Tee said...

Happy blog birthday..I think you do a wonderful job with your blog..I love reading it..looking forward to another wonderful year..
tejal2210 at gmail dot com

Mom22RedHeads said...

happy birthday!! love your blog

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Great blog, great candy!! Great inspiration here.


Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! I love being inspired by your work.

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday! I so enjoy being inspired by your beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Oodabug Alley!! I love your blog!! So very inspiring!! I would love for you to pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! You are an inspiration for lots of us! Thanks for sharing!

Allison Rankin said...

Congrats to you Charmaine! Hope you and the kids are able to welcome spring soon!

Christine said...

Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary!

Amber Porter said...

Congrats on your blog-a-versary!! Love your blog and check it every day!!

Shelly said...

Congrats on your blog's birthday! I love visiting your blog and seeing all of your great projects! Thanks!

Jill said...

Congratulations of a year of wonderful creations and fabulous blogging success. You were one of the very first blog friends I made and I still love coming here for inspiration! Thank you!

Lori Mueller said...

Congrats and Happy Birthday with your blog year! What great blog bling to give away....very generous! Where does time go these days! Here's to another great year *cheers*!!

jadell said...

Happy Birthday! I recently found you and MAN am I IMPRESSED!! You do such great work! I can't wait to see future creations. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first birthday blog. I love the goodies very much. Here's hoping to win.

Anonymous said...

pfwow thats quite a great pack of blog candy.........pick me pick me....please id love to have it.

Keep up the great cards. I love them ...thanks

Debra Lois said...

Congratulations on a year!

Kathy K said...

Ohhhhh what fun goodies! Thanks! Love your blog. You do such fantastic work. Thanks for the offer and congrats on one year!

Anonymous said...

What wonderfully gorgeous blog candy! Yummy! Happy Birthday OA!
Mary Puskar

MindyYoung said...

Happy Blogday!!!!

angela said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! Thanks for all of the wonderful inspiration and for the chance at the great giveaway!

Lazylol said...

Lovin' your blog
Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Oodabug Alley! I really Love your blog and enjoy checking daily for lots of inspiration. Thanks for sharing your art work.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I look forward to reading your blog every day and love how you share your creativity!

misse336 said...

Happy First Birthday! Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway!

SuperCool CreationS said...

Congrats, Charmaine!
Love the give away! And love your work. So impressed you can do it all with so many little ones...

Kerry Johnson said...

Congrats Charmaine!!! I love coming here for inspiration and information. I'm in awe of your creations and how you manage to juggle it all! Thanks for everything!

Genevieve said...

Happy Birthday! I love your blog and all your work! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

Nettie said...

Happy Birthday to Oodabug that is some SWEET candy and I just know 67 is my lucky number Big Grin!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I love your work.

Laura Fekishazy
212 Old Farm Rd.
Ruckersville, Va. 22968

Mauna said...

Happy One Year!! I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. I am glad you decided to start a blog!!!

Scott Franson Photography said...

Happy Birthday, I love your blog! So much inspiration. Congratulations.

Sonja said...

I just recently found your blog and love your creations. Thank you for sharing your ideas with others.

i {heart} papers said...

Happy Blogabirthday! Thanks for all your generous samples you always post. You've got an amazing talent!


Anonymous said...

Great blog. Such inspiration. Thanks for offering the candy. Love it. Connie (

Kylie Swain said...

Happy Blogaversary Charmaine!! I am ever so glad I found your blog as you make the most amazing cards and other things too.
Happy Crafting,

Jackie said...

Well, I have to say I am glad you started a blog, too, and Happy Birthday to Oodabug Alley! Keep up the good work.

Laura Roth said...

Happy Birthday! I'm very glad you started a blog too...I love it. Thank you for the chance to win some candy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to You! Love your blog!

Shawn K.

wanda box said...

Happy Birthday! I look at your blog everyday. I know I have the lucky entry for this awesome blog candy so email me at

Lisa Bohler said...

Happy Blog Birthday to you!!

Lisa B.

Regan said...

Love your Blog- you are on my reader and I get alot of inspration from you- very tallented lady!

Sara Russell said...

Congratluations and happy birthday. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.

Linda SS said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!! Kudos to you on creating such a fun and fabulous blog and inspiring us with your extra-special creations. It's OUR pleasure to visit you:)

Dawn said...


CHA CHA CHA..(That's what my kids would say!!)

lovin' the blog, hope you have another great year of bloggin'

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 1 year blogversary! I'm a lurker, but enjoy all your posts. :)

Beth said...

Happy Blog-day! I enjoy all of your inspiring work! Have a great day. (

Anita said...

Congratulation on one year! I love your work!

Anonymous said...

Happy have done so much in a year. I love looking at all your creations.
It must be just about time for another baby picture........huh? Huh?

GabrielaD said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Oodabug Alley!!! I come here ever single day and I love stuff you make.

I think that blog candy is just so cute thanks for the opportunity to win it.


Anonymous said...

Oh what great Oodagoodies!!! I love the name too. So cute.

Congrats on one year. It seems that around this time last year was good for the craft blogs.

Looking forward to seeing your creations for many more years to come.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and thanks for sharing
barbara from Ct

nettystamps said...

Happy birthday to Oodabug Alley!!! And many HAPPY returns!! :) Awesome candy in celebration too, by the way! Thanks for the chance...

SueB said...

ooh! sweet! march 2nd is my brother's b'day too (not that i'd give him these, mind you)! LOL!
thanx for the chance at t'riffic blog candy!
later, alligator!
- SueB of

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! I love your blog!

Gina said...

Happy first Birthday.

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy that you choose to start your blog. It has been such a wonderful place to come and get some great ideas!

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and appreciate all of the effort you put into it. Congratulations!
Linda Peterson

Unknown said...

My first visit to your blog! Can't believe I haven't come across it sooner. Love it. You are very talented.

Cam said...

I enjoy visiting your blog and admire your art. You are such an inspiration. I hope you will continue. Congrats on your blog.


Allison said...

Wow, what amazing blog candy! Congratulations on the blog birthday. I love your blog - keep on inspiring us.

Cam said...

I enjoy visiting your blog and I admire your work. You are such an inspiration. Congrats on your blog.


Taya @ Delightful! said...

Happy Blogversary! I love all your creations!

Pegg S said...

Happy Birthday to your blog!! I can't believe it has been a year already! Time flies and thanks for taking the time and sharing your gorgeous work!

Anonymous said...

I love your alley bug blog. Congrats on your 1st. LoriE.

ClumberKim said...

Wow! I haven't visited your blog in a while. Looks like my timing is really good (for a change!). Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first year! Wow... this Blog Candy looks great... I love the stamps :-) Thanks for sharing!

Vanessa Nolte

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I first started to visit your blog because of your name...not the blog name...but your see...I'm a Charmaine too! Not many of us around. I love all of your creations and always look forward to visiting each day. Happy Blogiversary!

The other Charmaine :)

Christina said...

Happy Birthday!
I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I Love your blog!!! I check in everyday!!! Happy Blog Birthday and many more!!!! Kim

The Freeland Family said...

I am a recent visitor but I have gone back throught all of your posts... You are very creative and inspiring!! Thanks for your dedication!
Debbie Freeland

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has been a year already- congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Happy One year Blog-a-versary! it must be exciting to get this far. I'm proud of all who blog since it's something that I don't have the time, energy or patience for. Thanks for sharing your celebration with us.

inkedx2 said...

Congratulations on 1 year! Love your blog.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! The tilt card is cute... and the hippo was perfect for it.


Jennie said...

I just ran across your blog a couple of months ago and have so enjoyed checking it out. Congrats on a blogging for a year!

Diane Gilbert said...

Charmaine, Happy Blog Birthday! Thanks so much for all the inspiration you bring to all of us, after all it is because of you that I started my own blog! I have enjoyed checking your blog daily for all of your beautiful creations and watching your family grow. Here's to many more blog birthday's!

Michele Kovack said...

Congrats and happy one year blog anniversary! I didn't realize that you had started your blog just a month before me! You were one of the first people I met here in blog land! I am so glad too! I feel like I know you! Love everything you create here!

Raquel said...

Happy Blogiversary Oodabug Alley!! I love your creations they are beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday! Your ideas are fresh and unique - love your creativity!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! I'm so glad you started your blog....your creations are amazing! Thanks for sharing with us. Here's to another great year!

Carolyn King said...

Happy happy first year blogging--what an awesome milestone!

Here is to many many more!

Jennifer Love said...

Aww! Happy Blogiversary! Keep up the great're so inspiring. :)

chrissyhooker said...

Happy First Blogaversary!!

Thanks for all the inspiration and the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Day!!!!

thestampinglady said...

Happy Birthday--my birthday is Sunday. Thanks for the great blog candy. You know one of my favorite things about your blog is the name itself. Of course all your art is great too--keep up the great job. Darlene
djstamper2003 at yahoo dot com

Latisha said...

Happy 1st anniversary on your blog {i'm still a newbie only a few month blog owner >"< } Blogging is so much fun, its makes you a better crafer {for me anyhow} and all of the different woman you get to know without knowing them irl is so cool.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!
I am inspired to start my own blog as well! ;O)

I will post a link to this site on it!
Note: it will be a VERY amateur site!

Anonymous said...

Happy bday, Oodabug Alley!!! I love coming to visit your blog and seeing all the stuff you have done. Thanks for the year of inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you enjoy compiling your blog because I certainly enjoy reading it:-) Thanks for the inspo! and happy Blogaversary:0)
Linda L. (GC. Aus)

honugirl said...

Congratulations on your one year Blog Birthday! Keep up the great ideas!

Mel said...

Congrats on 1 year! Great blog and thanks for all the information!

Anonymous said...

Happy First Birthday Oodabug Alley!!!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork!
I'm glad I found your blog, i really love it! ♥

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! I love your blog and thought you had it going for more than 1 year. Thanks for sharing with us. Looking forward to the coming year.Mary

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Blog Birthday, I wish you many more! bluemoonbynite (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Oodabug Alley! Love reading your site and all of the incredible ideas that you share.
Bev (Rette Mom)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY OODABUG ALLEY!! I really love reading your blog evey morning - your ideas are just incedible!
bev (rette mom)

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog recently and love it! Congrats on your first year! Melanie PL

Anonymous said...

love your blog. happy anniversary!

StampinLDRN said...

Wow! Happy Blog Birthday! Your blog is wonderful. Love your talent. Your work is so creative and fun. Thanks for the inspiration and for the chance for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Charmaine! I can't believe it's been a year already! I love reading your daily Oodablog! Congrats!
Terri Honz

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday!! What fun goodies!! Tiffany :)

Denise said...

Happy Birthday! I have been getting email updates from your wonderful blog for a while now, I love seeing all your creations! Thanks!

Missy said...

Wow, Charlie, a year under your belt! And you've even given birth amidst the new endeavor. Congratulations on a job well done. Can't wait to see you and the kids next month.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I LOVE, LOVE your blog. You and your projects are so cheerful and fun.


Stamp Time said...

Happy Blog Birthday!

Hope your having fun with your kiddos today : ) They are just so cute!


Alison said...

Happy Blog-A-Versary! I love coming here for your cheerful outlook and inspiring creations. Keep up the great blogging!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I just love all of the ideas that you have on your blog---keep them coming and we'll celebrate again next year!
Whitney Sebert

Denise G said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your creations! You are an inspiration.

Jamie Garrett said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your blog and your ideas are so great! It inspires me.

Sandi said...

Happy Birthday! REally enjoy your cards! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving us goodies and for entertaining us with your great artwork for a whole's to another! :)

Anonymous said...

happy Blog birthday! Your blog is awesome!

Melissa said...

Wow. . .what a great bunch of goodies! Happy 1st birthday! You inspire me with all you create!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Love your blog, I visit almost daily! and love your work! Thanks for inspiring me!

Memories of Time said...

You are da bomb baby! Happy Blogaversary to you!! :)

Lastel said...

Happy Blog Birthday , your blog is awesome !

Lois Michael said...

Happy Birthday and thank you for all the inspiration.

Bethany Paull said...

Can you believe how wildly popular you are in one year?! You ROCK! Thanks for blogging Charmaine.

Theresa said...

Happy 1st birthday!!! i love your blog, it is soooo very inspiring. thanks for the opp to win a great give away in honor of your birthday!

Tammy Hershberger said...

Now see, I should win this because it's my birthday this weekend, too! Everyone in agreement, signify by not saying anything at all!

Yay, I win!

Congrats on your Blog Birthday, Charmaine! You're such a sweetheart!

Regina Ellison said...

Congrats on your blog birthday!

Angel said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!!! What a great way to celebrate! A partay!

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